Thursday, February 03, 2005

New York Trip

I am just back from New York and boy was that great!!!No it wasnt...The reason being I had visited it one of the worst times. But I must say somethings were really good like snow, braodway show (Hairspray was outstanding) and high rise buidings.

I guess if you are standing just next to a buiding then i bet u cant see the top tip of the buiding:-) Then if anybody on earth if he/she loves theatre then he can visit New York specifically for this. They are amazing. The way they present, their designs and audience and tickets everything is just too affluent. Being in snow i bev has its own fun if are used to that much of cold (single digits fahrenheit). I wasnt for me it was just cold very cold and extremely cold. And ya one more thing ppl from Mumbai wont find too much difference in the subways. They work like locals only.

Was actually very lonely there. 2 weeks and and all by myself. Infact have been lonely since the time I have come in this country. I dont have any other reason for me to be here other than money. Ya u can have money in this country if not anything else. Keep thinking about going back to India but lure of my own money keeps me here. I wonder for how long. There is hardly good thing which I can remember has happened till now. Wished my one of my very good friends. She is really nice and sweet. Every time i speak to her, that is when i feel nice in this country. But I must chattin to her is more fun than talking to here over the phone. 3 reasons: one she doenst talk much over the phone and second there are things which are easier to write than speak :-) Third I get to see here face, she is gorgeous. Well to be frank I like everything about her. No second or third thots abt that.

will write more abt her some other time. Can write lots :P


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